Gentoo Linux Security Advisories

GLSA 202007-45 (high) - NTFS-3G: Remote code execution, possible privilege escalation
A buffer overflow in NTFS-3g might allow local or remote attacker(s) to execute arbitrary code, or escalate privileges.
GLSA 202007-44 (normal) - FreeXL: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in FreeXL, the worst of which could result in a Denial of Service condition.
GLSA 202007-43 (normal) - TRE: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in TRE, the worst of which could result in the arbitrary execution of code.
GLSA 202007-42 (normal) - LHa: Buffer overflow
LHa has a buffer overflow in its compression utility with unspecified impact.
GLSA 202007-41 (normal) - Roundcube: Multiple vulnerabilities
A flaw in Roundcube's handling of configuration files may allow arbitrary code execution, amongst other vulnerabilities.
GLSA 202007-40 (normal) - Thin: Privilege escalation
A vulnerability was discovered in Thin which may allow local attackers to kill arbitrary processes (denial of service).
GLSA 202007-39 (normal) - Binutils: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in Binutils, the worst of which could result in a Denial of Service condition.
GLSA 202007-38 (normal) - QtGui: Arbitrary code execution
A use-after-free was discovered in QtGui's Markdown handling code possibly allowing a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code.
GLSA 202007-37 (high) - AWStats: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in AWStats, the worst of which could result in the arbitrary execution of code.
GLSA 202007-36 (normal) - DjVu: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in DjVu, the worst of which could result in a Denial of Service condition.
GLSA 202007-35 (normal) - ReportLab: Arbitrary code execution
A vulnerability allowing arbitrary code execution was found in ReportLab.
GLSA 202007-34 (normal) - Apache Ant: Multiple vulnerabilities
Apache Ant uses various insecure temporary files possibly allowing local code execution.
GLSA 202007-33 (high) - OSSEC: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in OSSEC, the worst of which could result in the arbitrary execution of code.
GLSA 202007-32 (high) - Sarg: Local privilege escalation
A flaw in Sarg may allow local privilege escalation.
GLSA 202007-31 (high) - Icinga: Root privilege escalation
Icinga installs files with insecure permissions allowing root privilege escalation.
GLSA 202007-30 (normal) - spice: Arbitrary code execution
A buffer overread has been discovered in spice possibly allowing remote execution of code.
GLSA 202007-29 (normal) - rssh: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in rssh, the worst of which could result in the arbitrary execution of code.
GLSA 202007-28 (normal) - re2c: Buffer overflow
A vulnerability in re2c could lead to a Denial of Service condition.
GLSA 202007-27 (normal) - Haml: Arbitrary code execution
A flaw in Haml allows arbitrary code execution as a result of improper filtering.
GLSA 202007-26 (normal) - SQLite: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in SQLite, the worst of which could result in the arbitrary execution of code.

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