Services » Browse Packages » sys-boot »
- + - stable
- ~ - unstable
- M - hardmask
USE flags
- btrfs - Builds the EFI binary btrfs filesystem driver
- custom-cflags - Build with user-specified CFLAGS (unsupported)
- doc - Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
- ext2 - Builds the EFI binary ext2 filesystem driver
- ext4 - Builds the EFI binary ext4 filesystem driver
- hfs - Builds the EFI binary hfs filesystem driver
- iso9660 - Builds the EFI binary iso9660 filesystem driver
- ntfs - Builds the EFI binary ntfs filesystem driver
- reiserfs - Builds the EFI binary reiserfs filesystem driver
- secureboot - Automatically sign efi executables using user specified key
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