
Description:Original Bitcoin crypto-currency wallet for automated services
License: MIT
  • + - stable
  • ~ - unstable
  • M - hardmask
alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 m68k mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86
24.0.1 diff - ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ ~ - - - ~
22.0-r1 diff - + ~ - - - ~ ~ ~ - - - +
0.21.0-r1 - + ~ - - - ~ ~ ~ - - - +

USE flags

  • asm - Enable assembly for optimization
  • berkdb - Add support for sys-libs/db (Berkeley DB for MySQL)
  • examples - Install examples, usually source code
  • external-signer - Include support for external wallet signer programs
  • knots - Build enhanced Bitcoin Knots version, rather than Bitcoin Core
  • nat-pmp - Enable NAT-PMP port forwarding
  • sqlite - Add support for sqlite - embedded sql database
  • system-leveldb - Use the system-wide dev-libs/leveldb instead of bundled
  • systemtap - Enable SystemTAP/DTrace tracing
  • test - Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
  • upnp - Enable Universal Plug and Play
  • wallet - Enable wallet support
  • zeromq - Report blocks and transactions via zeromq

Security Advisory

Date Severity Title
almost 4 years normal Bitcoin: Multiple vulnerabilities

Also available in: Atom

Thank you!