
Add support for wxWidgets/wxGTK GUI toolkit
Name Category Description
cxprolog dev-lang A WAM based Prolog system
erlang dev-lang Erlang programming language, runtime environment and libraries (OTP)
fityk sci-visualization General-purpose nonlinear curve fitting and data analysis
gdl dev-lang GNU Data Language
gnuplot sci-visualization Command-line driven interactive plotting program
mathgl sci-libs Math Graphics Library
matplotlib dev-python Pure python plotting library with matlab like syntax
mediainfo media-video MediaInfo supplies technical and tag information about media files
openbabel sci-chemistry Interconverts file formats used in molecular modeling
openbabel sci-chemistry Interconverts file formats used in molecular modeling
openscenegraph dev-games Open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit
openscenegraph-openmw dev-games OpenMW-specific fork of OpenSceneGraph
p7zip app-arch Port of 7-Zip archiver for Unix
plplot sci-libs Multi-language scientific plotting library
sooperlooper media-sound Live looping sampler with immediate loop recording
vbam games-emulation Game Boy, GBC, and GBA emulator forked from VisualBoyAdvance

Thank you!