
Name Category Description
discover kde-plasma KDE Plasma resources management GUI
k3b kde-apps Full-featured burning and ripping application based on KDE Frameworks
kbibtex app-text BibTeX editor to edit bibliographies used with LaTeX
kdecore-meta kde-apps kdecore - merge this to pull in the most basic applications
kdeedu-meta kde-apps KDE educational apps - merge this to pull in all kdeedu-derived packages
kdenetwork-meta kde-apps kdenetwork - merge this to pull in all kdenetwork-derived packages
kdeplasma-addons kde-plasma Extra Plasma applets and engines
kdesdk-meta kde-apps KDE SDK - merge this to pull in all kdesdk-derived packages
kdeutils-meta kde-apps kdeutils - merge this to pull in all kdeutils-derived packages
ktorrent net-p2p Powerful BitTorrent client based on KDE Frameworks
libalkimia app-office Library with common classes and functionality used by KDE finance applications
marble kde-apps Virtual Globe and World Atlas to learn more about Earth
merkaartor sci-geosciences Qt based map editor for the openstreetmap.org project
nextcloud-client net-misc Desktop Syncing Client for Nextcloud
paraview sci-visualization Powerful scientific data visualization application
psi net-im Qt XMPP client
pyside6 dev-python Python bindings for the Qt framework
qt-creator dev-qt Lightweight IDE for C++/QML development centering around Qt
qt-docs dev-qt Qt6 documentation and examples for Qt Creator and other tools
recoll app-misc Personal full text search package

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