
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name Category Description
X11-FreeDesktop-DesktopEntry dev-perl An interface to Freedesktop.org .desktop files
X11-Protocol dev-perl Client-side interface to the X11 Protocol
X11-Protocol-Other dev-perl X11 Protocol related components not included in dev-perl/X11-Protocol
X11-XCB dev-perl Perl bindings for libxcb
x25519 dev-ruby Key exchange via the X25519 (Curve25519) Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman function
x265 media-libs Library for encoding video streams into the H.265/HEVC format
X500-DN dev-perl handle X.500 DNs (Distinguished Names), parse and format them
x509 dev-haskell X509 reader and writer
x509-store dev-haskell X.509 collection accessing and storing methods
x509-validation dev-haskell X.509 Certificate and CRL validation
xapers app-text Personal document indexing system
xarray dev-python N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
xcffib dev-python A drop in replacement for xpyb, an XCB python binding
xdg-dbus-proxy sys-apps Filtering proxy for D-Bus connections
xdg-desktop-portal sys-apps Desktop integration portal
xdg-desktop-portal-kde kde-plasma Backend implementation for xdg-desktop-portal that is using Qt/KDE Frameworks
xdgdirs dev-scheme Displays names/values of XDG Basedir variables
xdmf2 sci-libs eXtensible Data Model and Format
xdoctest dev-python A rewrite of Python's builtin doctest module but without all the weirdness
xdot media-gfx Interactive viewer for Graphviz dot files

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