Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name | Category | Description |
breeze-icons-rcc | kde-frameworks | Breeze SVG icon theme binary resource |
breezy | dev-vcs | Distributed Version Control System with a Friendly UI |
brotli | dev-ruby | Brotli compressor/decompressor |
brotli | app-arch | Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm |
brotlicffi | dev-python | Python binding to the Brotli library |
Browser-Open | dev-perl | Open a browser at a given URL |
bsb-http-chunked | dev-haskell | Chunked HTTP transfer encoding for bytestring builders |
bsearch | dev-ruby | A binary search library for Ruby |
bsh | dev-java | A small embeddable Java source interpreter |
bson | dev-ruby | A Ruby BSON implementation for MongoDB. (Includes binary C-based extension.) |
BSON | dev-perl | BSON serialization and deserialization (EOL) |
bucardo | dev-db | An asynchronous PostgreSQL replication system |
buftok | dev-ruby | Statefully split input data by a specifiable token |
bugzilla | www-apps | Bugzilla is the Bug-Tracking System from the Mozilla project |
build | dev-python | A simple, correct PEP517 package builder |
build2 | dev-util | cross-platform toolchain for building and packaging C++ code |
buildah | app-containers | A tool that facilitates building OCI images |
buildbot | dev-util | BuildBot build automation system |
buildbot-worker | dev-util | BuildBot Worker (slave) Daemon |
builder | dev-ruby | A builder to facilitate programmatic generation of XML markup |