
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name Category Description
net-scp dev-ruby A pure Ruby implementation of the SCP client protocol
netsed net-misc Small tool for altering forwarded network data in real time
Net-Server dev-perl Extensible, general Perl server engine
Net-Server-Coro dev-perl A co-operative multithreaded server using Coro
Net-Server-Mail dev-perl Class to easily create a mail server
net-sftp dev-ruby SFTP in pure Ruby
Net-SFTP dev-perl Secure File Transfer Protocol client
Net-SFTP-Foreign dev-perl SSH File Transfer Protocol client
net-smtp dev-ruby Simple Mail Transfer Protocol client library for Ruby
Net-SMTPS dev-perl SSL/STARTTLS support for Net::SMTP
Net-SMTP-SSL dev-perl (Deprecated) SSL support for Net::SMTP
Net-SMTP-TLS dev-perl A SMTP client supporting TLS and AUTH
Net-SMTP-TLS-ButMaintained dev-perl An SMTP client supporting TLS and AUTH
Net-SNMP dev-perl A SNMP Perl Module
Net-SNPP dev-perl libnet SNPP component
net-ssh dev-ruby Non-interactive SSH processing in pure Ruby
Net-SSH2 dev-perl Support for the SSH 2 protocol via libssh2
Net-SSH-Any dev-perl Use any SSH module
Net-SSH-AuthorizedKeysFile dev-perl Read and modify ssh's authorized_keys files
net-ssh-gateway dev-ruby A simple library to assist in enabling tunneled Net::SSH connections

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