
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name Category Description
beniget dev-python Extract semantic information about static Python code
BerkeleyDB dev-perl This module provides Berkeley DB interface for Perl
betamax dev-python python-requests HTTP exchanges recorder
betamax-matchers dev-python A group of experimental matchers for Betamax
bfast sci-biology Blat-like Fast Accurate Search Tool
bff dev-lang A brainfuck interpreter
B-Flags dev-perl Friendlier flags for B
bgrep app-misc Grep-like tool to search for binary strings
B-Hooks-EndOfScope dev-perl Execute code after a scope finished compilation
B-Hooks-OP-Check dev-perl Wrap OP check callbacks
B-Hooks-Parser dev-perl Interface to perls parser variables
biber dev-tex A BibTeX replacement for users of biblatex
biblio app-emacs Browse and import bibliographic references with Emacs
biboumi net-im XMPP gateway to IRC
bibtexparser dev-python A BibTeX parser written in Python
bifunctors dev-haskell The Bifunctors package authored by Edward Kmett
bigdecimal dev-ruby Arbitrary-precision decimal floating-point number library for Ruby
binaryornot dev-python Ultra-lightweight pure Python package to guess whether a file is binary or text
bind net-dns Berkeley Internet Name Domain - Name Server
bindata dev-ruby Parsing Binary Data in Ruby

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