
Build with MRI Ruby 3.2.x
Name Category Description
test-unit dev-ruby An xUnit family unit testing framework for Ruby
test-unit-rr dev-ruby RR adapter for Test::Unit
text dev-ruby A collection of text algorithms
text-hyphen dev-ruby Hyphenates words according to the rules of the language the word is written in
thin www-servers A fast and very simple Ruby web server
thor dev-ruby Simple and efficient tool for building self-documenting command line utilities
thread_order dev-ruby Test helper for ordering threaded code
thread_safe dev-ruby A collection of thread-safe versions of common core Ruby classes
tidy_table dev-ruby Tool to convert an array of struct into an HTML table
tilt dev-ruby Thin interface over template engines to make their usage as generic as possible
time dev-ruby Extends the Time class with methods for parsing and conversion
timecop dev-ruby A gem providing 'time travel' and 'time freezing' capabilities
timeout dev-ruby Provides a framework for message digest libraries
timers dev-ruby Pure Ruby one-shot and periodic timers
tins dev-ruby All the stuff that isn't good enough for a real library
tokyocabinet dev-ruby Ruby bindings for Tokyo Cabinet
tomlrb dev-ruby A racc based toml parser
tomoe app-i18n Japanese handwriting recognition engine
transaction-simple dev-ruby Provides transaction support at the object level
treetop dev-ruby Treetop is a language for describing languages

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