
Build with MRI Ruby 3.2.x
Name Category Description
sass-rails dev-ruby Official Ruby-on-Rails Integration with Sass
sawyer dev-ruby Secret User Agent of HTTP
sdoc dev-ruby rdoc generator html with javascript search index
securerandom dev-ruby Interface for secure random number generator
seed-fu dev-ruby Advanced seed data handling for Rails
selenium-webdriver dev-ruby This gem provides Ruby bindings for WebDriver
semantic_puppet dev-ruby Library of tools for working with Semantic Versions and module dependencies
sequel dev-ruby A lightweight database toolkit for Ruby
serialport dev-ruby a library for serial port (rs232) access in ruby
serverengine dev-ruby A framework to implement robust multiprocess servers
set dev-ruby Provides a class to deal with collections of unordered, unique values
settingslogic dev-ruby A simple configuration / settings solution that uses an ERB enabled YAML file
sexp_processor dev-ruby Processor for s-expressions created as part of the ParseTree project
shoulda dev-ruby Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
shoulda-context dev-ruby Context framework extracted from Shoulda
shoulda-matchers dev-ruby Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
sigdump dev-ruby Setup signal handler which dumps backtrace of threads and allocated objects
simplecov dev-ruby Code coverage with a configuration library and merging across test suites
simplecov-html dev-ruby Generates a HTML report of your SimpleCov ruby code coverage results
simplecov_json_formatter dev-ruby JSON formatter for SimpleCov

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