
Build with MRI Ruby 3.2.x
Name Category Description
rspec-memory dev-ruby RSpec helpers for checking memory allocations
rspec-mocks dev-ruby A Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) framework for Ruby
rspec-pending_for dev-ruby Mark specs pending or skipped for specific Ruby engine / version combinations
rspec-rails dev-ruby RSpec's official Ruby on Rails plugin
rspec-retry dev-ruby Retry randomly failing rspec example
rspec-stubbed_env dev-ruby Stub environment variables in a scoped context for testing
rspec-support dev-ruby A Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) framework for Ruby
rspectacular dev-ruby RSpec support and matchers
rss dev-ruby Family of libraries that support various formats of XML feeds
ruby2_keywords dev-ruby Shim library for Module#ruby2_keywords
ruby2ruby dev-ruby Generates readable ruby from ParseTree
ruby-atk dev-ruby Ruby Atk bindings
ruby-augeas dev-ruby Ruby bindings for Augeas
ruby-cairo-gobject dev-ruby Ruby cairo-gobject bindings
ruby-dict dev-ruby RFC 2229 client in Ruby
ruby_engine dev-ruby A RubyEngine class that simplifies checking for your Ruby implementation
ruby-feedparser dev-ruby Ruby library to parse ATOM/RSS feeds
ruby-filemagic dev-ruby Ruby binding to libmagic
ruby-gdk3 dev-ruby Ruby GDK-3.x bindings
ruby-gdkpixbuf2 dev-ruby Ruby GdkPixbuf2 bindings

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