
Build with MRI Ruby 3.1.x
Name Category Description
rbot net-irc A ruby IRC bot
rbpdf dev-ruby Ruby on Rails RBPDF plugin
rbpdf-font dev-ruby Font files for the Ruby on Rails RBPDF plugin
rb-readline dev-ruby Ruby implementation of the GNU readline C library
rbs dev-ruby The language for type signatures for Ruby and standard library definitions
rbst dev-ruby A simple Ruby wrapper for processing rST via docutils
rbtree dev-ruby A sorted associative collection that is implemented with a Red-Black Tree
rcairo dev-ruby Ruby bindings for cairo
rchardet dev-ruby Character encoding auto-detection in Ruby
rdiscount dev-ruby Implementation of John Gruber's Markdown
rdoc dev-ruby An extended version of the RDoc library from Ruby 1.8
rdtool dev-ruby A multipurpose documentation format for Ruby
recog dev-ruby Pattern recognition for hosts, services, and content
redcarpet dev-ruby A Ruby wrapper for Upskirt
redcloth dev-ruby A module for using Textile in Ruby
red-colors dev-ruby Color features for Ruby
redis dev-ruby A Ruby client library for Redis
redmine www-apps Flexible project management web application using the Ruby on Rails framework
ref dev-ruby Implements weak, soft, and strong references in Ruby
regexp_parser dev-ruby A library for tokenizing, lexing, and parsing Ruby regular expressions

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