
Build with MRI Ruby 2.7.x
Name Category Description
async-rspec dev-ruby Helpers for writing specs against the async gem
atomic dev-ruby An atomic reference implementation for JRuby, Rubinius, and MRI
autoprefixer-rails dev-ruby Add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website
aws-eventstream dev-ruby Amazon Web Services event stream library
aws-partitions dev-ruby Provides interfaces to enumerate AWS partitions, regions, and services
aws-sigv4 dev-ruby Amazon Web Services Signature Version 4 signing library
axiom-types dev-ruby Define types with optional constraints for use within axiom and other libraries
backports dev-ruby Backports of Ruby features for older Ruby
bacon dev-ruby Small RSpec clone weighing less than 350 LoC
barby dev-ruby Ruby barcode generator that doesn't rely on 3rd party libraries
base32 dev-ruby A library which provides base32 decoding and encoding
bcrypt_pbkdf dev-ruby Implements bcrypt_pdkfd (a variant of PBKDF2 with bcrypt-based PRF)
bcrypt-ruby dev-ruby An easy way to keep your users' passwords secure
benchmark-ips dev-ruby A iterations per second enhancement to Benchmark
bindata dev-ruby Parsing Binary Data in Ruby
bindex dev-ruby Bindings for your Ruby exceptions
binding_of_caller dev-ruby Retrieve the binding of a method's caller
blankslate dev-ruby Base class with almost all of the methods from Object and Kernel being removed
blinkstick dev-ruby ruby interface for blinkstick via libusb
bogus dev-ruby Ensuring that the things you stub or mock actually exist

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