
Build with MRI Ruby 2.7.x
Name Category Description
singleton dev-ruby The Singleton module implements the Singleton pattern
skk-jisyo app-i18n Jisyo (dictionary) files for the SKK Japanese-input software
slim dev-ruby A template language aiming to reduce the syntax to the essential parts
slop dev-ruby A simple option parser with an easy to remember syntax and friendly API
slow_enumerator_tools dev-ruby Transform Ruby enumerators that produce data slowly and unpredictably
sorted_set dev-ruby Implements a variant of Set whose elements are sorted in ascending order
sourcemap dev-ruby Ruby source maps
sparklines dev-ruby Create sparklines, small graphs to be used inline in texts
spreadsheet dev-ruby Ruby library to read and write spreadsheet documents
spring dev-ruby Rails application preloader
sprockets dev-ruby Ruby library for compiling and serving web assets
sprockets-rails dev-ruby Sprockets implementation for Rails 4.x (and beyond) Asset Pipeline
spy dev-ruby A simple opinionated mocking framework
sqlite3 dev-ruby An extension library to access a SQLite database from Ruby
sshkey dev-ruby SSH private and public key generator in pure Ruby
sshkit dev-ruby SSHKit makes it easy to write structured, testable SSH commands in Ruby
stamp dev-ruby Date and time formatting for humans
stomp dev-ruby Ruby bindings for the stomp messaging protocol
stringex dev-ruby Extensions for Ruby's String class
stringio dev-ruby Pseudo IO class from/to String.

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