Build with Python 3.9
Name | Category | Description |
pyzor | mail-filter | A distributed, collaborative spam detection and filtering network |
qdarkstyle | dev-python | A dark style sheet for QtWidgets application |
qemu | app-emulation | QEMU + Kernel-based Virtual Machine userland tools |
qhexedit2 | app-editors | Hex editor library, Qt application written in C++ with Python bindings |
qiskit-aer | dev-python | High performance simulator for quantum circuits that includes noise models |
qiskit-terra | dev-python | Terra is the foundation on which Qiskit is built |
qmeq | sci-physics | Quantum master equation package for Quantum dot transport calculations |
qpageview | dev-python | Page-based viewer widget for Qt5/PyQt5 |
qrcode | dev-python | QR Code generator on top of PIL |
qscintilla-python | dev-python | Python bindings for QScintilla |
qstylizer | dev-python | Stylesheet Generator for PyQt5/PySide2 |
qtawesome | dev-python | Enables iconic fonts such as Font Awesome in PyQt |
qtconsole | dev-python | Qt-based console for Jupyter with support for rich media output |
qtile | x11-wm | A full-featured, hackable tiling window manager written in Python |
QtPy | dev-python | Abstraction layer on top of PyQt and PySide with additional custom QWidgets |
qtsass | dev-python | Compile SASS files to Qt stylesheets |
quantities | dev-python | Support for physical quantities with units, based on numpy |
quodlibet | media-sound | audio library tagger, manager, and player for GTK+ |
radicale | www-apps | A simple CalDAV calendar server |
radon | dev-python | Code Metrics in Python |