
Build with Python 3.12
Name Category Description
sphobjinv dev-python Sphinx objects.inv Inspection/Manipulation Tool
sqlalchemy dev-python Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
sqlglot dev-python An easily customizable SQL parser and transpiler
sqlitedict dev-python Persistent dict in Python, backed by SQLite and pickle
sqlparse dev-python A non-validating SQL parser module for Python
starlette dev-python The little ASGI framework that shines
stdio-mgr dev-python Context manager for mocking/wrapping stdin/stdout/stderr
stevedore dev-python Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications
strict-rfc3339 dev-python Strict, simple, lightweight RFC3339 functions
stripe dev-python Stripe python bindings
structlog dev-python Structured Logging for Python
subunit dev-python A streaming protocol for test results
sure dev-python idiomatic assertion toolkit with human-friendly failure messages
svglib dev-python Pure-Python library for reading and converting SVG
svg-path dev-python SVG path objects and parser
svgwrite dev-python Python Package to write SVG files
sybil dev-python Automated testing for the examples in your documentation
synapse net-im Reference implementation of Matrix homeserver
tabulate dev-python Pretty-print tabular data
tappy dev-python Test Anything Protocol (TAP) tools

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