
Build with Python 3.12
Name Category Description
re-assert dev-python Show where your regex match assertion failed
rebulk dev-python Python library that performs advanced searches in strings
recommonmark dev-python Python docutils-compatibility bridge to CommonMark
recurring-ical-events dev-python Repeat ICalendar events by RRULE, RDATE and EXDATE
redis dev-python Python client for Redis key-value store
referencing dev-python Cross-specification JSON referencing (JSON Schema, OpenAPI...)
regex dev-python Alternative regular expression module to replace re
reportlab dev-python Tools for generating printable PDF documents from any data source
repoze-lru dev-python A tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator
requests dev-python HTTP library for human beings
requests-credssp dev-python HTTPS CredSSP authentication with the requests library
requests-file dev-python File transport adapter for Requests
requests-futures dev-python Asynchronous Python HTTP for Humans
requests-kerberos dev-python A Kerberos authentication handler for python-requests
requests-mock dev-python Mock out responses from the requests package
requests-ntlm dev-python HTTP NTLM authentication using the requests library
requests-oauthlib dev-python This project provides first-class OAuth library support for Requests
requests-toolbelt dev-python A utility belt for advanced users of python-requests
requests-unixsocket dev-python Use requests to talk HTTP via a UNIX domain socket
requests-wsgi-adapter dev-python WSGI Transport Adapter for Requests

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