
Build with Python 3.12
Name Category Description
pylatexenc dev-python Simple LaTeX parser providing latex-to-unicode and unicode-to-latex conversion
pylru dev-python A least recently used (LRU) cache for Python
pymacaroons dev-python A Python implementation of Macaroons
pymad dev-python Python wrapper for libmad MP3 decoding in python
pymdown-extensions dev-python Extensions for Python Markdown
pymdown-lexers dev-python Additional lexers for use in Pygments
pymdstat dev-python Python library to parse Linux /proc/mdstat
pymediainfo dev-python A wrapper around the mediainfo library
pymountboot dev-python Python extension module to (re)mount /boot
pymysql dev-python Pure-Python MySQL Driver
pynacl dev-python Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library
pyocr dev-python An optical character recognition (OCR) tool wrapper
pyopencl dev-python Python wrapper for OpenCL
pyopenssl dev-python Python interface to the OpenSSL library
pyotp dev-python PyOTP is a Python library for generating and verifying one-time passwords
pyparsing dev-python Easy-to-use Python module for text parsing
pypdf dev-python Python library to work with PDF files
pyperclip dev-python A cross-platform clipboard module for Python
pyphen dev-python Python module for hyphenation using hunspell dictionaries
pypiserver dev-python Minimal PyPI server

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