Build with Python 3.11
Name | Category | Description |
marshmallow | dev-python | A library for converting to and from native Python datatypes |
mathlib-tools | sci-mathematics | Development tools for Lean's mathlib |
matplotlib | dev-python | Pure python plotting library with matlab like syntax |
matplotlib-inline | dev-python | Inline Matplotlib backend for Jupyter |
matrix-common | dev-python | Common code for Synapse, Sydent and Sygnal |
matterhook | dev-python | Interact with Mattermost incoming webhooks easily |
maturin | dev-util | Build and publish crates with pyo3, rust-cpython and cffi bindings |
mccabe | dev-python | flake8 plugin: McCabe complexity checker |
mcomix | media-gfx | GTK image viewer for comic book archives |
MDAnalysis | sci-chemistry | A python library to analyze and manipulate molecular dynamics trajectories |
mdit-py-plugins | dev-python | Collection of plugins for markdown-it-py |
mdtraj | sci-chemistry | Read, write and analyze MD trajectories with only a few lines of Python code |
mdurl | dev-python | Markdown URL utilities |
mdx-gh-links | dev-python | An extension which adds links to GitHub users, repositories, issues and commits |
mecab-python | dev-python | Python binding for MeCab |
MechanicalSoup | dev-python | A Python library for automating interaction with websites |
mechanize | dev-python | Stateful programmatic web browsing in Python |
mediafile | dev-python | Read and write audio files' tags in Python |
memory-profiler | dev-python | A module for monitoring memory usage of a python program |
mercurial | dev-vcs | Scalable distributed SCM |