
Build with Python 3.10
Name Category Description
terminal-colors app-misc A tool to display color charts for 8, 16, 88, and 256 color terminals
terminaltables dev-python Generate simple tables in terminals from a nested list of strings
terminator x11-terms Multiple GNOME terminals in one window
termtosvg media-gfx Record terminal sessions as SVG animations
testfixtures dev-python A collection of helpers and mock objects for unit tests and doc tests
testpath dev-python Test utilities for code working with files and commands
testresources dev-python A pyunit extension for managing expensive test resources
testscenarios dev-python A pyunit extension for dependency injection
testtools dev-python Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
textdistance dev-python Compute distance between the two texts
textile dev-python A Python port of Textile, A humane web text generator
texttable dev-python Module to create simple ASCII tables
text-unidecode dev-python The most basic port of the Text::Unidecode Perl library
textX dev-python Meta-language for DSL implementation inspired by Xtext
thefuck app-shells Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command
threadpoolctl dev-python Limit the number of threads used in native libs that have their own threadpool
three-merge dev-python Simple Python library to perform a 3-way merge between strings
thrift dev-python Python implementation of Thrift
thriftpy2 dev-python Pure python approach of Apache Thrift
tifffile dev-python Read and write TIFF files

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