
Build with Python 3.10
Name Category Description
sphinx-pytest dev-python Helpful pytest fixtures for Sphinx extensions
sphinx-rtd-theme dev-python theme for Sphinx
sphinx_selective_exclude dev-python Sphinx selective rendition extensions
sphinx-tabs dev-python Tabbed views for Sphinx
sphinx-testing dev-python Testing utility classes and functions for Sphinx extensions
sphobjinv dev-python Sphinx objects.inv Inspection/Manipulation Tool
spotipy dev-python A lightweight Python library for the Spotify Web API
spur dev-python Run commands locally or over SSH using the same interface
spyder dev-python The Scientific Python Development Environment
spyder-kernels dev-python Kernels used by spyder on its ipython console
spyder-line-profiler dev-python Plugin to run the python line profiler from within the spyder editor
spyder-notebook dev-python Jupyter notebook integration with Spyder
spyder-terminal dev-python Run system terminals inside Spyder
spyder-unittest dev-python Plugin for Spyder to run tests and view the results
spyder-vim dev-python Plugin for Spyder to enable Vim keybindings
sqlalchemy dev-python Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
sqlalchemy-rqlite dev-python A SQLAlchemy dialect for rqlite
sqlglot dev-python An easily customizable SQL parser and transpiler
sqlitedict dev-python Persistent dict in Python, backed by SQLite and pickle
sqlparse dev-python A non-validating SQL parser module for Python

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