
Build with Python 3.10
Name Category Description
pyproject-fmt dev-python Format your pyproject.toml file
pyproject-hooks dev-python Wrappers to build Python packages using PEP 517 hooks
pyproject-metadata dev-python PEP 621 metadata parsing
pypugjs dev-python Pug (Jade) syntax adapter for Django, Jinja2 and Mako templates
PyQt5 dev-python Python bindings for the Qt framework
PyQt5-sip dev-python sip extension module for PyQt5
PyQt6 dev-python Python bindings for the Qt framework
PyQt6-sip dev-python sip module support for PyQt6
PyQt6-WebEngine dev-python Python bindings for QtWebEngine
PyQt-builder dev-python The PEP 517 compliant PyQt build system
pyqt-distutils dev-python distutils extension to work with PyQt applications and UI files
pyqtgraph dev-python A pure-python graphics and GUI library built on PyQt and numpy
PyQtWebEngine dev-python Python bindings for QtWebEngine
pyquery dev-python A jQuery-like library for python
pyrate-limiter dev-python Python Rate-Limiter using Leaky-Bucket Algorimth Family
pyre2 dev-python Python bindings for dev-libs/re2
pyrfc3339 dev-python Generates and parses RFC 3339 timestamps
pyroute2 dev-python A pure Python netlink and Linux network configuration library
pyrqlite dev-python Python client for rqlite
pyrsistent dev-python Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures

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