Build with Python 3.10
Name | Category | Description |
ipdb | dev-python | IPython-enabled pdb |
IPy | dev-python | Class and tools for handling of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks |
ipykernel | dev-python | IPython Kernel for Jupyter |
ipyparallel | dev-python | Interactive Parallel Computing with IPython |
ipython | dev-python | Advanced interactive shell for Python |
ipython_genutils | dev-python | Vestigial utilities from IPython |
ipywidgets | dev-python | IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter |
irc | dev-python | IRC client framework written in Python |
irctokens | dev-python | RFC1459 and IRCv3 protocol tokeniser library |
iris | app-vim | vim plugin: mail client for vim |
iso8601 | dev-python | Simple module to parse ISO 8601 dates |
isodate | dev-python | ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter |
isoduration | dev-python | Operations with ISO 8601 durations |
isort | dev-python | A python utility/library to sort imports |
itsdangerous | dev-python | Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back |
itunespy | dev-python | A simple library to fetch data from the iTunes Store API |
itypes | dev-python | Basic immutable container types for python |
jack-client | dev-python | JACK Audio Connection Kit client for Python |
jaraco-classes | dev-python | Classes used by other projects by developer jaraco |
jaraco-collections | dev-python | Models and classes to supplement the stdlib collections module |