
Build with Python 3.10
Name Category Description
daemonize dev-python Library for writing system daemons in Python
dash sci-visualization Python framework for building ML & data science web apps
dask dev-python Task scheduling and blocked algorithms for parallel processing
dbfread dev-python Read DBF Files with Python
dblatex app-text Transform DocBook using TeX macros
dbus-next dev-python The next great DBus library for Python with asyncio support
dbus-python dev-python Python bindings for the D-Bus messagebus
DBUtils dev-python Database connections for multi-threaded environments
ddt dev-python Data-Driven/Decorated Tests
debtcollector dev-python Python deprecation patterns and strategies that collect technical debt
debugpy dev-python An implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python
decorator dev-python Simplifies the usage of decorators for the average programmer
deepdiff dev-python A library for comparing dictionaries, iterables, strings and other objects
deepmerge dev-python Tools to handle merging of nested data structures in python
defusedxml dev-python XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules, an xml serialiser
denonavr dev-python Automation Library for Denon AVR receivers
denonavr-cli media-sound A simple CLI for Denon AV receivers
deprecated dev-python Python @deprecated decorator to deprecate old API
deprecation dev-python A library to handle automated deprecations
devedeng media-video DevedeNG is a program to create video DVDs and CDs (VCD, sVCD or CVD)

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