Build with PyPy3
Name | Category | Description |
sphinxcontrib-devhelp | dev-python | Sphinx extension which outputs Devhelp documents |
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp | dev-python | Sphinx extension which outputs HTML help book |
sphinxcontrib-jquery | dev-python | Extension to include jQuery on newer Sphinx releases |
sphinxcontrib-jsmath | dev-python | Sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via JavaScript |
sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet | dev-python | Organize changelog directives in Sphinx docs |
sphinxcontrib-qthelp | dev-python | Sphinx extension which outputs QtHelp documents |
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml | dev-python | Sphinx extension which outputs outputs serialized HTML files |
sphinxcontrib-websupport | dev-python | Sphinx websupport extension |
sphinx-epytext | dev-python | Sphinx epytext extension |
sphinx-notfound-page | dev-python | Create a custom 404 page with absolute URLs hardcoded |
sphinx-prompt | dev-python | Sphinx directive to add unselectable prompt |
sphinx-py3doc-enhanced-theme | dev-python | Enhanced Sphinx theme (based on Python 3 docs) |
sphinx-pytest | dev-python | Helpful pytest fixtures for Sphinx extensions |
sphinx-rtd-theme | dev-python | theme for Sphinx |
sqlalchemy | dev-python | Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper |
ssl-fetch | dev-python | Small convenience library for fetching files securely |
starlette | dev-python | The little ASGI framework that shines |
statsd | dev-python | A simple statsd client |
stem | net-libs | Stem is a Python controller library for Tor |
strict-rfc3339 | dev-python | Strict, simple, lightweight RFC3339 functions |