
Build for Python 3.11 only
Name Category Description
nautilus-dropbox gnome-extra Dropbox Nautilus Extension
nautilus-python dev-python Python bindings for the Nautilus file manager
nemo gnome-extra A file manager for Cinnamon, forked from Nautilus
netdata net-analyzer Linux real time system monitoring, done right!
netgen media-gfx Automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator
net-snmp net-analyzer Software for generating and retrieving SNMP data
nginx-unit www-servers Dynamic web and application server
nmap net-analyzer Network exploration tool and security / port scanner
nml games-util Compiler of NML files into GRF/NFO files
nut sys-power Network-UPS Tools
obs-studio media-video Software for Recording and Streaming Live Video Content
oidn media-libs Intel(R) Open Image Denoise library
ola app-misc Open Lighting Architecture, a framework for lighting control information
omniORB net-misc A robust, high-performance CORBA 2 ORB
onerng sys-apps Software for the Open Hardware Random Number Generator called OneRNG
onionrouter net-mail .onion discovery via SRV DNS lookups for use with postfix
opal-utils sys-apps OPAL firmware utilities
openbox x11-wm Standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window manager
opencolorio media-libs A color management framework for visual effects and animation
openimageio media-libs A library for reading and writing images

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