
Include coloured haskell sources to generated documentation (dev-haskell/hscolour)
Name Category Description
doctemplates dev-haskell Pandoc-style document templates
doctest dev-haskell Test interactive Haskell examples
doctest-parallel dev-haskell Test interactive Haskell examples
easy-file dev-haskell Cross-platform File handling
echo dev-haskell A cross-platform, cross-console way to handle echoing terminal input
ed25519 dev-haskell Ed25519 cryptographic signatures
edit-distance dev-haskell Levenshtein and restricted Damerau-Levenshtein edit distances
email-validate dev-haskell Email address validation
emojis dev-haskell Conversion between emoji characters and their names
enclosed-exceptions dev-haskell Catching all exceptions from within an enclosed computation
entropy dev-haskell A platform independent entropy source
erf dev-haskell The error function, erf, and related functions
errorcall-eq-instance dev-haskell An orphan Eq instance for ErrorCall
errors dev-haskell Simplified error-handling
exceptions dev-haskell Extensible optionally-pure exceptions
extensible-exceptions dev-haskell Extensible exceptions
extra dev-haskell Extra functions I use
fast-logger dev-haskell A fast logging system
fdo-notify dev-haskell Desktop Notifications client
feed dev-haskell Interfacing with RSS (v 0.9x, 2.x, 1.0) + Atom feeds

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