
Install examples, usually source code
Name Category Description
PEAR-Net_Ping dev-php OS independent wrapper class for executing ping calls
PEAR-Net_SmartIRC dev-php PHP class to communicate with IRC networks
PEAR-Net_SMTP dev-php A PHP implementation of the SMTP protocol
PEAR-PHP_Beautifier dev-php Code Beautifier for PHP
PEAR-Services_W3C_CSSValidator dev-php Provides an object oriented interface for the W3 CSS Validator
PEAR-System_Command dev-php PHP command-line execution interface
PEAR-Text_Figlet dev-php Render text using FIGlet fonts
PEAR-Var_Dump dev-php Dump structured information about a variable
PEAR-XML_Serializer dev-php Swiss-army knife for reading and writing XML files
PEAR-XML_Util dev-php XML utility class
pecl-event dev-php PHP wrapper for libevent2
pecl-imagick dev-php PHP wrapper for the ImageMagick library
pecl-oauth dev-php OAuth is an authorization protocol built on top of HTTP
pecl-ps dev-php PHP extension for creating PostScript files
pecl-radius dev-php Provides support for RADIUS authentication (RFC 2865) and accounting (RFC 2866)
pecl-stomp dev-php PHP extension to communicate with Stomp message brokers
pecl-uploadprogress dev-php An extension to track progress of a file upload
pedro net-misc Pedro is a subscription/notification communications system
peewee dev-python Small Python ORM
Pegex dev-perl Acmeist PEG Parser Framework

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