Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
Name | Category | Description |
log4j-core | dev-java | The Apache Log4j Implementation |
log4j-over-slf4j | dev-java | Log4j implemented over SLF4J |
log4r | dev-ruby | A comprehensive and flexible logging library written in Ruby |
logbook | dev-python | A logging replacement for Python |
logger | dev-ruby | Provides a simple logging utility for outputting messages |
logging-facade | dev-haskell | Simple logging abstraction that allows multiple back-ends |
logict | dev-haskell | A backtracking logic-programming monad |
lolcat | games-misc | Rainbows and unicorns! |
loofah | dev-ruby | Library for manipulating and transforming HTML/XML documents and fragments. |
looptools | sci-physics | Tools for evaluation of scalar and tensor one-loop integrals |
loquacious | dev-ruby | Descriptive configuration files for Ruby written in Ruby |
lpeg | dev-haskell | LPeg - Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua |
lpeg | dev-lua | Parsing Expression Grammars for Lua |
lsp-plugins | media-libs | Linux Studio Plugins |
lua | dev-haskell | Lua, an embeddable scripting language |
lua-arbitrary | dev-haskell | Arbitrary instances for Lua types |
luacheck | dev-lua | A tool for linting and static analysis of Lua code |
luakit | www-client | A fast, extensible, and customizable web browser |
luaposix | dev-lua | Bindings for POSIX APIs |
luasocket | dev-lua | Networking support for the Lua language |