Calculate Utilities 3.0.0 Beta 1 released

Added by Alexander Tratsevskiy about 12 years ago


  • Amended to add the certificate to the trustees during initial setup.
  • Fixed function of clearing the cache library sudsds.
  • Corrected the initial validation and creation of files and directories.
  • Added to create symbolic links to existing methods.
  • Accelerated work 'cl-console'.
  • Fixed for a specific use rights certificate using the file right.conf.
  • Added ability to run local practices with the key '--method'.
  • Added to the key '--no-progress' to hide the progressbar display in the results.


  • Added indicator of expectations.
  • In the output error is added the key name.
  • Fixed parsing command line parameters.
  • Fixed output progressbar.
  • Added support for symbolic links.
  • Added a file matching addresses and server names.
  • Sped up.
  • Fixed handling of tabular data.
  • Some functions moved to package 'calculate-core'.
  • Corrected reference to symbolic links.


  • Added attenuation of the left menu while waiting.
  • Fixed reconnect to the server using a password.
  • Added a connection to the server after adding a trusted certificate.
  • Program icon changes color depending on the availability of an established connection.
  • Fixed closing the window with multiple tabs.
  • Fixed the text in the window title.
  • Added icons.
  • Fixed style of brief output.
  • Corrected method names.
  • Added sorting of categories and methods of the alphabet.
  • Saving the window size when closed.


  • Added PXE installation.
  • Added methods for system configuration: network, local, download, video, reconfiguration.
  • Moved some code from the calculate-install ver 2.2.
  • Create a console command 'install' and 'configure'.
  • Added script '/etc/init.d/calculate' for the initial configuration of the system.
  • Fixed messages in Russian and English.


  • Fixed the order of test variables.
  • In templates, added a new keyword merge to reconfigure the package.
  • Changed work function 'belong'.
  • Moved some code from the 'calculate-lib-2.2'.
  • Fixed the function of 'pkg'.
  • A new branch of templates install-3.0, with support for method 'merge'.


Added by Calculate Linux about 12 years ago


Added by Susanper Susanper over 6 years ago

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Все предложения по услуге Кредит без залога в банках Режа на выгодных условиях

Added by Susanper Susanper over 6 years ago

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