
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Название Категория Описание
gcr app-crypt Libraries for cryptographic UIs and accessing PKCS#11 modules
gd media-libs Graphics library for fast image creation
GD dev-perl Interface to Thomas Boutell's gd library
gdal sci-libs Translator library for raster geospatial data formats (includes OGR support)
gdb sys-devel GNU debugger
GD-Barcode dev-perl Create barcode images with GD
gdbm sys-libs Standard GNU database libraries
GDGraph dev-perl Perl5 module to create charts using the GD module
GD-Graph3d dev-perl Create 3D Graphs with GD and GD::Graph
gdk-pixbuf x11-libs Image loading library for GTK+
gdl dev-lang GNU Data Language
gdm gnome-base GNOME Display Manager for managing graphical display servers and user logins
GDTextUtil dev-perl Text utilities for use with GD
geant4_vmc sci-physics Virtual Monte Carlo Geant4 implementation
Gearman dev-perl Gearman distributed job system, client and worker libraries
Gearman-Client-Async dev-perl Asynchronous client module for Gearman for Danga::Socket applications
Gearman-Server dev-perl Gearman distributed job system - worker/client connector
geary mail-client A lightweight, easy-to-use, feature-rich email client
gef dev-util A GDB Enhanced Features for exploit devs & reversers
gegl media-libs A graph based image processing framework

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