Build static versions of dynamic libraries as well
Название | Категория | Описание |
geant | sci-physics | Toolkit for simulation of passage of particles through matter |
geoip | dev-libs | GeoIP Legacy C API |
gerris | sci-libs | Gerris Flow Solver |
getdata | sci-libs | Reference implementation of the Dirfile, format for time-ordered binary data |
getdns | net-dns | Modern asynchronous DNS API |
gettext | sys-devel | GNU locale utilities |
gexiv2 | media-libs | GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library |
gf2x | dev-libs | C/C++ routines for fast arithmetic in GF(2)[x] |
gflags | dev-cpp | Google's C++ argument parsing library |
ghostscript-gpl | app-text | Interpreter for the PostScript language and PDF |
giflib | media-libs | Library to handle, display and manipulate GIF images |
givaro | sci-libs | C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations |
glew | media-libs | The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library |
glib | dev-libs | The GLib library of C routines |
glibc | sys-libs | GNU libc C library |
glog | dev-cpp | Google Logging library |
gloox | net-libs | A portable high-level Jabber/XMPP library for C++ |
glpng | media-libs | OpenGL PNG image library |
glu | media-libs | The OpenGL Utility Library |
glusterfs | sys-cluster | GlusterFS is a powerful network/cluster filesystem |
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