
Add optional support/bindings for the Python language
Название Категория Описание
a2jmidid media-sound Daemon for exposing legacy ALSA sequencer applications in JACK MIDI system
afflib app-forensics Library that implements the AFF image standard
albert x11-misc A fast and flexible keyboard launcher
alembic media-gfx Open framework for storing and sharing scene data
alsa-lib media-libs Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Library
android-file-transfer-linux sys-fs Android File Transfer for Linux
android-tools dev-util Android platform tools (adb, fastboot, and mkbootimg)
ant-apache-bsf dev-java Apache Ant's optional tasks depending on bsf-2.3
asymptote media-gfx A vector graphics language that provides a framework for technical drawing
aubio media-libs Library for audio labelling
audit sys-process Userspace utilities for storing and processing auditing records
avahi net-dns System which facilitates service discovery on a local network
bind net-dns Berkeley Internet Name Domain - Name Server
bind net-dns Berkeley Internet Name Domain - Name Server
bluefish app-editors GTK HTML editor for the experienced web designer or programmer
boolector sci-mathematics Fast SMT solver for bit-vectors, arrays and uninterpreted functions
boost dev-libs Boost Libraries for C++
botan dev-libs C++ crypto library
brltty app-accessibility Daemon that provides access to the Linux/Unix console for a blind person
brotli app-arch Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm

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