
Add Native Language Support (using gettext - GNU locale utilities)
Название Категория Описание
R dev-lang Language and environment for statistical computing and graphics
radeontop app-misc Utility to view Radeon GPU utilization
rbot net-irc A ruby IRC bot
realpath app-misc Return the canonicalized absolute pathname
recode app-text Convert files between various character sets
redshift x11-misc A screen color temperature adjusting software
regex-markup app-misc A tool to color syslog files as well
remmina net-misc A GTK+ RDP, SPICE, VNC and SSH client
renameutils sys-apps Use your favorite text editor to rename files
rhash app-crypt Console utility and library for computing and verifying file hash sums
ripperx media-sound GTK program to rip CD audio tracks to Ogg, MP3 or FLAC
rmlint app-misc Extremely fast tool to remove duplicates and other lint from your filesystem
rotix app-crypt Rotix allows you to generate rotational obfuscations
rpm app-arch Red Hat Package Management Utils
rush app-shells Restricted User Shell
schroot dev-util Utility to execute commands in a chroot environment
scim-anthy app-i18n Japanese input method Anthy IMEngine for SCIM
scim-hangul app-i18n Hangul IMEngine for SCIM ported from imhangul
scim-input-pad app-i18n Input pad for SCIM used to input symbols and special characters
scim-pinyin app-i18n Smart Common Input Method (SCIM) Smart Pinyin Input Method

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