
Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
Название Категория Описание
mpc media-sound Commandline client for Music Player Daemon (media-sound/mpd)
mpd media-sound The Music Player Daemon (mpd)
mpdcon gnustep-apps GNUstep client for the Music Player Daemon
mpi4py dev-python Message Passing Interface for Python
mpich sys-cluster A high performance and portable MPI implementation
mplayer media-video Media Player for Linux
mpqc sci-chemistry The Massively Parallel Quantum Chemistry Program
mptcpd net-misc Daemon that performs multipath TCP path management related operations.
mqtt dev-ruby Pure Ruby gem that implements the MQTT protocol
msgpack dev-ruby Binary-based efficient data interchange format for ruby binding
msgpack dev-libs MessagePack is a binary-based efficient data interchange format
msgpack-cxx dev-cpp MessagePack for C++
msmtp mail-mta An SMTP client and SMTP plugin for mail user agents such as Mutt
mss dev-python An ultra fast cross-platform multiple screenshots module in python using ctypes
msv dev-java Multi-Schema Validator Core package
mtink net-print mtink is a status monitor and inkjet cartridge changer for some Epson printers
mtl dev-haskell Monad classes, using functional dependencies
multidict dev-python multidict implementation
multi_json dev-ruby A gem to provide swappable JSON backends
multipart-parser dev-ruby A multipart parser written in Ruby

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