
Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see
Название Категория Описание
knotes kde-apps Note taking application
knotifications kde-frameworks Framework for notifying the user of an event
knotifyconfig kde-frameworks Framework for configuring desktop notifications
kolf kde-apps Minigolf game by KDE
kollision kde-apps Simple ball dodging game
kolourpaint kde-apps Paint Program by KDE
kompare kde-apps A program to view the differences between files
konqueror kde-apps Web browser and file manager based on KDE Frameworks
konquest kde-apps Galactic Strategy KDE Game
konsole kde-apps KDE's terminal emulator
konsolekalendar kde-apps Command line interface to KDE calendars
kontact kde-apps Container application to unify several major PIM applications within one
kontactinterface kde-apps Library for embedding KParts in a Kontact component
kontrast app-accessibility Tool to check contrast for colors to verify they are correctly accessible
konversation net-irc User friendly IRC Client
kopeninghours dev-libs Library for parsing and evaluating OSM opening hours expressions
kopete kde-apps Multi-protocol IM client based on KDE Frameworks
kore www-servers Web application platform for writing scalable, concurrent web based processes
korganizer kde-apps Organizational assistant, providing calendars and other similar functionality
kosmindoormap dev-libs Data Model and Extraction System for Travel Reservation information

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