
Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see
Название Категория Описание
feh media-gfx A fast, lightweight imageviewer using imlib2
ffmpeg media-video Complete solution to record/convert/stream audio and video. Includes libavcodec
ffmpeg-chromium media-video FFmpeg built specifically for codec support in Chromium-based browsers
ffmpegthumbs kde-apps FFmpeg based thumbnail generator for video files
filelight kde-apps Visualise disk usage with interactive map of concentric, segmented rings
firefox www-client Firefox Web Browser
fisicalab gnustep-apps educational application to solve physics problems
fitsio dev-python Python library to read from and write to FITS files
flac media-libs Free lossless audio encoder and decoder
flatpak-kcm kde-plasma Flatpak Permissions Management KCM
flightgear games-simulation Open Source Flight Simulator
flowgrind net-analyzer Network performance measurement tool
flow-tools net-analyzer library and programs to process reports from NetFlow data
fltk x11-libs C++ user interface toolkit for X and OpenGL
fluidsynth media-sound Software real-time synthesizer based on the Soundfont 2 specifications
fonttools dev-python Library for manipulating TrueType, OpenType, AFM and Type1 fonts
fossil dev-vcs Simple, high-reliability, source control management, and more
fox x11-libs C++ Toolkit for developing Graphical User Interfaces easily and effectively
fprobe net-analyzer libpcap-based tool to collect network traffic data and emit it as NetFlow flows
frameworkintegration kde-frameworks Framework for integrating Qt applications with KDE Plasma workspaces

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