Gentoo Linux Security Advisories

GLSA 201903-19 (high) - NASM: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in NASM, the worst of which could result in the remote execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201903-18 (normal) - GD: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in GD, the worst of which could result in the remote execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201903-17 (normal) - SDL2_Image: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in the image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer, the worst of which could result in the remote execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201903-16 (normal) - OpenSSH: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in OpenSSH, the worst of which could allow a remote attacker to gain unauthorized access.
GLSA 201903-15 (normal) - NTP: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in NTP, the worst of which could result in the remote execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201903-14 (normal) - Oracle JDK/JRE: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in Oracle’s JDK and JRE software suites.
GLSA 201903-13 (normal) - BIND: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in BIND, the worst of which could result in a Denial of Service condition.
GLSA 201903-12 (normal) - WebkitGTK+: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in WebkitGTK+, the worst of which could result in the arbitrary execution of code.
GLSA 201903-11 (normal) - XRootD: Remote code execution
A vulnerability was discovered in XRootD which could lead to the remote execution of code.
GLSA 201903-10 (normal) - OpenSSL: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple Information Disclosure vulnerabilities in OpenSSL allow attackers to obtain sensitive information.
GLSA 201903-09 (normal) - GNU C Library: Arbitrary descriptor allocation
A vulnerability in the GNU C Library could result in a Denial of Service condition.
GLSA 201903-08 (normal) - GNU Wget: Password and metadata leak
A vulnerability in GNU Wget which could allow an attacker to obtain sensitive information.
GLSA 201903-07 (normal) - systemd: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in systemd, the worst of which may allow execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201903-06 (normal) - rdesktop: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in rdesktop, the worst of which could result in the remote execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201903-05 (normal) - Tar: Denial of Service
A vulnerability in Tar could led to a Denial of Service condition.
GLSA 201903-04 (normal) - Mozilla Firefox: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in Mozilla Firefox, the worst of which may allow execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 201903-03 (normal) - cURL: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in cURL, the worst of which could result in a Denial of Service condition.
GLSA 201903-02 (normal) - Zsh: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
Input validation errors in Zsh could result in arbitrary code execution.
GLSA 201903-01 (normal) - Keepalived: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in Keepalived, the worst of which could allow an attacker to cause Denial of Service condition.
GLSA 201812-11 (normal) - Rust: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in Rust, the worst which may allow local attackers to execute arbitrary code.

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