Gentoo Linux Security Advisories

GLSA 200504-06 (normal) - sharutils: Insecure temporary file creation
The unshar utility is vulnerable to symlink attacks, potentially allowing a local user to overwrite arbitrary files.
GLSA 200504-05 (low) - Gaim: Denial of Service issues
Gaim contains multiple vulnerabilities that can lead to a Denial of Service.
GLSA 200504-04 (normal) - mit-krb5: Multiple buffer overflows in telnet client
The mit-krb5 telnet client is vulnerable to two buffer overflows, which could allow a malicious telnet server operator to execute arbitrary code.
GLSA 200504-03 (low) - Dnsmasq: Poisoning and Denial of Service vulnerabilities
Dnsmasq is vulnerable to DNS cache poisoning attacks and a potential Denial of Service from the local network.
GLSA 200504-02 (normal) - Sylpheed, Sylpheed-claws: Buffer overflow on message display
Sylpheed and Sylpheed-claws contain a vulnerability that can be triggered when displaying messages with specially crafted attachments.
GLSA 200504-01 (normal) - telnet-bsd: Multiple buffer overflows
The telnet-bsd telnet client is vulnerable to two buffer overflows, which could allow a malicious telnet server operator to execute arbitrary code.
GLSA 200503-37 (low) - LimeWire: Disclosure of sensitive information
Two vulnerabilities in LimeWire can be exploited to disclose sensitive information.
GLSA 200503-36 (normal) - netkit-telnetd: Buffer overflow
The netkit-telnetd telnet client is vulnerable to a buffer overflow, which could allow a malicious telnet server operator to execute arbitrary code.
GLSA 200503-35 (high) - Smarty: Template vulnerability
Smarty's "Template security" feature can be bypassed, potentially allowing a remote attacker to execute arbitrary PHP code.
GLSA 200503-34 (normal) - mpg321: Format string vulnerability
A flaw in the processing of ID3 tags in mpg321 could potentially lead to the execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 200503-33 (normal) - IPsec-Tools: racoon Denial of Service
IPsec-Tools' racoon is affected by a remote Denial of Service vulnerability.
GLSA 200503-32 (normal) - Mozilla Thunderbird: Multiple vulnerabilities
Mozilla Thunderbird is vulnerable to multiple issues, including the remote execution of arbitrary code through malicious GIF images.
GLSA 200503-31 (normal) - Mozilla Firefox: Multiple vulnerabilities
Mozilla Firefox 1.0.2 fixes new security vulnerabilities, including the remote execution of arbitrary code through malicious GIF images or sidebars.
GLSA 200503-30 (normal) - Mozilla Suite: Multiple vulnerabilities
The Mozilla Suite is vulnerable to multiple issues ranging from the remote execution of arbitrary code to various issues allowing to trick the user into trusting fake web sites or interacting with privileged content.
GLSA 200503-29 (low) - GnuPG: OpenPGP protocol attack
Automated systems using GnuPG may leak plaintext portions of an encrypted message.
GLSA 200503-28 (normal) - Sun Java: Web Start argument injection vulnerability
Java Web Start JNLP files can be abused to evade sandbox restriction and execute arbitrary code.
GLSA 200503-27 (normal) - Xzabite dyndnsupdate: Multiple vulnerabilities
Xzabite's dyndnsupdate software suffers from multiple vulnerabilities, potentially resulting in the remote execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 200503-26 (normal) - Sylpheed, Sylpheed-claws: Message reply overflow
Sylpheed and Sylpheed-claws contain a vulnerability that can be triggered when replying to specially crafted messages.
GLSA 200503-25 (high) - OpenSLP: Multiple buffer overflows
Multiple buffer overflows have been found in OpenSLP, which could lead to the remote execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 200503-24 (normal) - LTris: Buffer overflow
LTris is vulnerable to a buffer overflow which could lead to the execution of arbitrary code.

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