
Add support for FreeType and/or FreeType2 fonts
Название Категория Описание
texlive app-text A complete TeX distribution
tk dev-lang Tk Widget Set
transcode media-video Utilities for transcoding video and audio codecs in different containers
vlc media-video Media player and framework with support for most multimedia files and streaming
wdm x11-misc WINGs Display Manager
windowlab x11-wm small and simple window manager of novel design
wine-staging app-emulation Free implementation of Windows(tm) on Unix, with Wine-Staging patchset
wine-vanilla app-emulation Free implementation of Windows(tm) on Unix, without external patchsets
xdm x11-apps X.Org xdm application
xine-lib media-libs Core libraries for Xine movie player
xlockmore x11-misc Just another screensaver application for X
xplanet x11-misc Render images of the earth into the X root window
xterm x11-terms Terminal Emulator for X Windows
yafaray media-gfx A free open-source montecarlo raytracing engine

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