
Add threads support for various packages. Usually pthreads
Название Категория Описание
libsc sci-libs Support for parallel scientific applications
libsdl2 media-libs Simple Direct Media Layer
libverto dev-libs Main event loop abstraction library
libvisual media-libs Abstraction library between applications and audio visualisation plugins
libvncserver net-libs library for creating vnc servers
libvpx media-libs WebM VP8 and VP9 Codec SDK
libwebsockets net-libs A flexible pure-C library for implementing network protocols
litmus www-misc WebDAV server protocol compliance test suite
log4cplus dev-libs C++ port of the Log for Java (log4j) logging library
lua-cjson dev-lua A fast JSON encoding/parsing module for Lua
lxml dev-python A Pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries
mailutils net-mail A useful collection of mail servers, clients, and filters
mathgl sci-libs Math Graphics Library
mbedtls net-libs Cryptographic library for embedded systems
mercury dev-lang Mercury is a modern general-purpose logic/functional programming language
mico net-misc A freely available and fully compliant implementation of the CORBA standard
mit-krb5 app-crypt MIT Kerberos V
mktorrent net-p2p Simple command line utility to create BitTorrent metainfo files
mpi virtual Virtual for Message Passing Interface (MPI) v2.0 implementation
mpich sys-cluster A high performance and portable MPI implementation

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