
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Название Категория Описание
forks dev-perl Emulate threads with fork
Format-Human-Bytes dev-perl Format a bytecount and make it human readable
fortune-mod games-misc The notorious fortune program
forwardable dev-ruby Provides delegation of specified methods to a designated object
forwardable-extended dev-ruby Forwardable with hash, and instance variable extensions
foundation dev-haskell Alternative prelude with batteries and no dependencies
FP16 dev-libs conversion to/from half-precision floating point formats
fpdns net-dns Fingerprinting DNS servers
fprintd sys-auth D-Bus service to access fingerprint readers
fq dev-util Tool for working with binary data (app-misc/jq for binary formats)
fqdn dev-python RFC-compliant FQDN validation and manipulation for Python
frameworkintegration kde-frameworks Framework for integrating Qt applications with KDE Plasma workspaces
freecad media-gfx QT based Computer Aided Design application
freecol games-strategy An open source clone of the game Colonization
freenet net-p2p An encrypted network without censorship
freeorion games-strategy Free turn-based space empire and galactic conquest game
freerdp net-misc Free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol
freetype-py dev-python FreeType Python bindings
freezegun dev-python Let your Python tests travel through time
fribidi dev-libs A free implementation of the unicode bidirectional algorithm

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