
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Название Категория Описание
orocos_kdl sci-libs Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL)
osc-lib dev-python A package of common support modules for writing OSC plugins
os-client-config dev-python OpenStack Client Configuation Library
osinfo-db-tools sys-apps Tools for managing the osinfo database
osl media-libs Advanced shading language for production GI renderers
oslo-concurrency dev-python Oslo Concurrency library
oslo-config dev-python Oslo Configuration API
oslo-context dev-python Helpers to maintain useful information about a request context
oslo-i18n dev-python Oslo i18n library
oslo-log dev-python OpenStack logging config library, configuration for all openstack projects
oslo-serialization dev-python Oslo Serialization library
oslotest dev-python Oslo test framework
oslo-utils dev-python Oslo Utility library
ospd-openvas net-analyzer This is an OSP server implementation to allow GVM to remotely control OpenVAS
ossec-hids net-analyzer Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System
os-service-types dev-python A library to handle official service types for OpenStack and it's aliases
osslsigncode app-crypt Platform-independent tool for Authenticode signing of EXE/CAB files
ossp-uuid dev-libs An ISO-C:1999 API with CLI for generating DCE, ISO/IEC and RFC compliant UUID
outcome dev-python Capture the outcome of Python function calls
OutputCheck dev-python A tool for checking the output of console programs inspired by LLVM's FileCheck

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