
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Название Категория Описание
async_generator dev-python Making it easy to write async iterators in Python 3.5
async-io dev-ruby Provides support for asynchronous TCP, UDP, UNIX and SSL sockets
async-lru dev-python Simple lru_cache for asyncio
async-process dev-ruby Abstract container-based parallelism using threads and processes
async-rspec dev-ruby Helpers for writing specs against the async gem
asyncstdlib dev-python The missing async toolbox
async-timeout dev-python Timeout context manager for asyncio programs
atcore dev-libs API to manage the serial connection between the computer and 3D Printers
AtExit dev-perl atexit() function to register exit-callbacks
atomic dev-ruby An atomic reference implementation for JRuby, Rubinius, and MRI
atomicwrites dev-python Atomic file writes
atpublic dev-python A decorator to populate __all__ and the module globals
atril app-text Atril document viewer for MATE
at-spi2-core app-accessibility D-Bus accessibility specifications and registration daemon
attica kde-frameworks Framework providing access to Open Collaboration Services
attrs dev-python Attributes without boilerplate
atuin app-shells Shell history manager supporting encrypted synchronisation
aubio media-libs Library for audio labelling
audex media-sound Tool for ripping compact discs
audioread dev-python Wrapper for audio file decoding using FFmpeg or GStreamer

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