
Enable setuid root program(s)
Название Категория Описание
apptainer app-containers The container system for secure high-performance computing
bubblewrap sys-apps Unprivileged sandboxing tool, namespaces-powered chroot-like solution
chromium www-client Open-source version of Google Chrome web browser
dovecot net-mail An IMAP and POP3 server written with security primarily in mind
driftnet net-analyzer Watches network traffic and displays media from TCP streams observed
ecryptfs-utils sys-fs eCryptfs userspace utilities
ecryptfs-utils sys-fs eCryptfs userspace utilities
fping net-analyzer A utility to ping multiple hosts at once
fuse sys-fs An interface for filesystems implemented in userspace
fuse-exfat sys-fs exFAT filesystem FUSE module
glibc sys-libs GNU libc C library
hercules app-emulation Hercules System/370, ESA/390 and zArchitecture Mainframe Emulator
hikari gui-wm Wayland compositor inspired by CWM
kismet net-wireless IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN sniffer
libspt dev-libs Library for handling root privilege
links www-client A fast and lightweight web browser running in both graphics and text mode
mhddfs sys-fs Fuse multi harddrive filesystem
ntfs3g sys-fs Open source read-write NTFS driver that runs under FUSE
opera www-client A fast and secure web browser
opera-beta www-client A fast and secure web browser

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