
Build static versions of dynamic libraries as well
Название Категория Описание
gmp dev-libs Library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic on different type of numbers
gnatcoll-bindings dev-ada GNAT Component Collection
gnatcoll-core dev-ada GNAT Component Collection Core packages
gnatcoll-db dev-ada GNAT Component Collection
gnuastro sci-astronomy GNU Astronomy Utilities
gnutls net-libs A secure communications library implementing the SSL, TLS and DTLS protocols
google-perftools dev-util Fast, multi-threaded malloc() and nifty performance analysis tools
gpac media-video Implementation of the MPEG-4 Systems standard developed from scratch in ANSI C
gpgme app-crypt GnuPG Made Easy is a library for making GnuPG easier to use
gpr dev-ada LibGPR2 - Parser for GPR Project files
gpr-unit-provider dev-ada GPR Unit Provider
graphicsmagick media-gfx Collection of tools and libraries for many image formats
groonga app-text An Embeddable Fulltext Search Engine
gsasl net-misc The GNU SASL client, server, and library
gsl sci-libs The GNU Scientific Library
gst-rtsp-server media-libs A GStreamer based RTSP server
gtkada dev-ada A complete Ada graphical toolkit
gtkimageview media-gfx A simple image viewer widget for GTK
gutenprint net-print Ghostscript and cups printer drivers
haveged sys-apps A simple entropy daemon using the HAVEGE algorithm

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