
Use this to restore your config from /etc/portage/savedconfig ${CATEGORY}/${PN}. Make sure your USE flags allow for appropriate dependencies
Название Категория Описание
2bwm x11-wm A fast, floating window manager
abduco app-misc lightweight session manager with {de,at}tach support
axtls net-libs Embedded client/server TLSv1 SSL library and small HTTP(S) server
busybox sys-apps Utilities for rescue and embedded systems
dmenu x11-misc a generic, highly customizable, and efficient menu for the X Window System
dropbear net-misc Small SSH 2 client/server designed for small memory environments
dvtm app-misc Dynamic virtual terminal manager
dwl gui-wm dwm for Wayland
dwm x11-wm a dynamic window manager for X11
espresso sci-physics Extensible Simulation Package for Research on Soft matter
fzy app-text Fuzzy text selector (interactive grep) for console
gentoo-kernel sys-kernel Linux kernel built with Gentoo patches
hostapd net-wireless IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN Host AP daemon
ipxe sys-firmware Open source network boot (PXE) firmware
linux-firmware sys-kernel Linux firmware files
mozc app-i18n Mozc - Japanese input method editor
musca x11-wm A simple dynamic window manager, with features nicked from ratpoison and dwm
notify-osd x11-misc Canonical's on-screen-display notification agent
prosody-modules net-im A collection of community-maintained modules for Prosody
sandy app-editors an ncurses text editor with an easy-to-read, hackable C source

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