Build with Python 3.10
Название | Категория | Описание |
line-profiler | dev-python | Line-by-line profiler |
linkchecker | net-analyzer | Check websites for broken links |
link-grammar | dev-libs | A Syntactic English parser |
linkify-it-py | dev-python | Links recognition library with full unicode support |
liquidctl | app-misc | Cross-platform tool and drivers for liquid coolers and other devices |
lit | dev-python | A stand-alone install of the LLVM suite testing tool |
littleutils | dev-python | Small personal collection of Python utility functions |
livereload | dev-python | Python LiveReload is an awesome tool for web developers |
llfuse | dev-python | Python bindings for the low-level FUSE API |
lmdb | dev-python | Python bindings for the Lightning Database |
lmfit | dev-python | Non-Linear Least-Squares Minimization and Curve-Fitting for Python |
locket | dev-python | File-based locks for Python |
lockfile | dev-python | Platform-independent file locking module |
logbook | dev-python | A logging replacement for Python |
logfury | dev-python | Boilerplate library for logging method calls |
logical-unification | dev-python | Logical unification in Python |
loguru | dev-python | Python logging made (stupidly) simple |
logutils | dev-python | The logutils package provides a set of handlers for the Python standard |
loky | dev-python | Robust and reusable Executor for joblib |
looseversion | dev-python | A backwards/forwards-compatible fork of distutils.version.LooseVersion |
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