Build with Python 3.10
Название | Категория | Описание |
django-cacheops | dev-python | ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation for Django |
django-cache-url | dev-python | Use Cache URLs in your Django application |
django-configurations | dev-python | A helper for organizing Django settings |
django-cors-headers | dev-python | Django App that adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers to responses |
django-crispy-forms | dev-python | DRY Django forms |
django-debug-toolbar | dev-python | A configurable set of panels that display various debug information |
django-filter | dev-python | Django app allowing declarative dynamic QuerySet filtering from URL parameters |
django-js-asset | dev-python | Script tag with additional attributes for django.forms.Media |
django-mptt | dev-python | Utilities for modified preorder tree traversal and trees of Model instances |
django-otp | dev-python | Django framework adding two-factor authentication using one-time passwords |
django_polymorphic | dev-python | Seamless Polymorphic Inheritance for Django Models |
django-prometheus | dev-python | Library to export Django metrics for Prometheus |
django-redis | dev-python | Full featured redis cache backend for Django |
django-registration | dev-python | user-registration application for Django |
djangorestframework | dev-python | Web APIs with django made easy |
django-sortedm2m | dev-python | Drop-in replacement for django's many to many field with sorted relations |
django-tables2 | dev-python | Table/data-grid framework for Django |
django-taggit | dev-python | Simple tagging for Django |
django-timezone-field | dev-python | A Django app providing database and form fields for timezone objects |
djbdns-logparse | app-admin | Make tinydns and dnscache logs human-readable |
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